Monday, April 29, 2013

Just an Update

Hey guys, I know I haven't been keeping up with my blog lately, but it has been a VERY hectic and painful month.

-As you saw, my chinchilla Little Bear passed away early in the month. It was very heart breaking.

-Less than a week after Little Bear passed, I found out that someone near where I live was poisoning, and shooting animals. My cat Nibbler was among the victims. I hardly even got out of bed for about three days after I found out.

-Next, My car decided to be a little bitch and break down. I thought it was just a flat tire, until I jacked it up and the body of the car when up while the tire stayed on the ground. Needless to say, a new axle is not cheap, and being without a car for almost a week drove me nuts.

- And just to top it all off, the past few days I have been running back and fourth to the hospital for tests because my insides have gone haywire and they don't know whats wrong. (Promise to update when I find out!)  I have been incredibly weak, nauseous, tired, shaky, and hardly able to eat. (No, its not the flu or anything like that)

Needless to say, My blog hasn't exactly been at the top of my priority list. This month has been a living hell, and I can't wait for May. Hopefully my life will stop sounding like a Lemony Snicket Book >.<

Love you guys, and wish me luck!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Rest in Peace My Little Bear

I'm broken hearted to say, that at 11:24pm on April 5th, 2013,My brave little chinchilla passed away. My brave little boy fought for three long, hard days, before passing away in his sleep, tucked away in my arms. He would have been turning 8 in July (Or 88 in chinchilla years). Enjoy heaven little one, where the bridges are made of wood, the streets are lined with raisins  and you can have all the cloud baths you want. Rest in Peace my Little Bear.