Monday, April 29, 2013

Just an Update

Hey guys, I know I haven't been keeping up with my blog lately, but it has been a VERY hectic and painful month.

-As you saw, my chinchilla Little Bear passed away early in the month. It was very heart breaking.

-Less than a week after Little Bear passed, I found out that someone near where I live was poisoning, and shooting animals. My cat Nibbler was among the victims. I hardly even got out of bed for about three days after I found out.

-Next, My car decided to be a little bitch and break down. I thought it was just a flat tire, until I jacked it up and the body of the car when up while the tire stayed on the ground. Needless to say, a new axle is not cheap, and being without a car for almost a week drove me nuts.

- And just to top it all off, the past few days I have been running back and fourth to the hospital for tests because my insides have gone haywire and they don't know whats wrong. (Promise to update when I find out!)  I have been incredibly weak, nauseous, tired, shaky, and hardly able to eat. (No, its not the flu or anything like that)

Needless to say, My blog hasn't exactly been at the top of my priority list. This month has been a living hell, and I can't wait for May. Hopefully my life will stop sounding like a Lemony Snicket Book >.<

Love you guys, and wish me luck!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Rest in Peace My Little Bear

I'm broken hearted to say, that at 11:24pm on April 5th, 2013,My brave little chinchilla passed away. My brave little boy fought for three long, hard days, before passing away in his sleep, tucked away in my arms. He would have been turning 8 in July (Or 88 in chinchilla years). Enjoy heaven little one, where the bridges are made of wood, the streets are lined with raisins  and you can have all the cloud baths you want. Rest in Peace my Little Bear.

Sunday, March 31, 2013


Hey guys, just stopping by real quick to say Happy Easter!!!

Love you all!!!!

Friday, March 29, 2013

F is for Friday Fails #4

Hey guys, for the next few weeks I will be raiding the Pokememes section of  Memebase for Friday fails, in honor of my goal of watching every single Pokemon episode and movie from beginning to end (Without completely losing my mind) So, First up, just a cute little Pikachu funny.

Them feels.....

Next two are both major WANTS and WINS, instead of the normal fails.

Safe to say, I definitely want these. It would be amazing. Anywho, off to watch more pokemon and work on the baby blanket.

Love you all!!!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Crochet- Baby Blanket WIP

Hey guys, Figured I would do a little update. Been working on a baby blanket for a friend of mine and figured I would see what you guys think so far.
Using the pattern found HERE, with the colors baby blue, baby yellow, and peas in a pod from Bernat softee chunky. The blue looks kinda lavender in the pic though (its really pale and pretty though, I promise!!)

Anywho, I'll be posting a F is for Friday fails later today, for now, I need sleep >.>

Love you guys!!!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Soap carving- Bible

Hey guys, Just finished a Bible I carved for my MawMaw. She turns 83 on April 1st, and I wanted to make something nice for her.

Carved from a bar of Ivory soap, Metallic gold acrylic paint for the side, and plain computer paper with the verse written using my Micron Sakura pen. Followed along with the video tutorial Here, and just changed the paint color.

Hope you guys enjoy, Would appreciate any comments about what you think. Love you all!!!

Friday, March 22, 2013

F is for Friday Fails #3

Hey guys, been a very hectic week (ok so, more like a hectic month, but who's counting?) This Friday fails is exactly how I have been feeling lately

Yup, that about covers it. Now I know, I know. The first day of spring does not mean there will automatically be no more snow, but come on!!! At least give me a day where the temperatures are above freezing!!!

Love you all

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day Everyone!!!

He guys, happy St. Patrick's Day!! I gotta say this is one of my favorite holidays. Having a large, predominantly Irish family always makes for an interesting party this time of year.

On a side note, just a quick waterfall sketch I did the other day. Nothing fancy, just a little something to keep my pen to the paper.

Hope you have a safe holiday, don't drink green beer and drive! Love you all

Friday, March 15, 2013

F is for Friday Fails #2

Hey guys, TGIF! and its time for friday fails. First up:

Yeah, I need this clock. It is the story of my life.


This is definitely not a fail, but it was too amazing not to post. I want this <3

In other news, This week feels like it has dragged on So happy its the weekend (And St. Patrick's day weekend at that!!  Hurrah for Irish heritage!)

Love you all,

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Panda Paint-by-number

Started working on a panda paint-by-number trying to relax and get my creative mojo working again. I like how it is turning out so far even if I have a long way to go. Been a very busy week. Hoping next week will be better.

Love you all!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Soap Carving- Fireplace

One of my first soap carvings. Just a little fireplace as a gift for my grams. She is always very supportive of me learning new things, so she normally gets the first of anything new I try. It really helps me to have someone to make things for. It gives me more motivation to do my best. I am really proud of this, I know it isn't the best, but I am very happy with how it turned out (Especially with it being a first attempt) 

In other news, spent all morning at the animal hospital with my dog fancy, and I'm scared she may not make it much longer. My best friends mother passed yesterday. Please keep us all in your prayers during this rough time. 

Love ya all!

Friday, March 8, 2013

F is for Friday Fails #1

Hey all, Aqua here. First real post of the blog ^_^ What I thought I would do is post an interesting picture or two from Failblog every Friday.

First up:

This lovely little gem from Dating Fails

And for any bronies out there (Especially those bitching about alicorn twilight, equestria girls, ect.):

Love you all!


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Introductions Must Be Made...

Hey all, Aqua Crush here, Just gonna take a few to introduce myself. If you haven't checked out the About page, you might wanna start there. Its got some basic info and such. As for the blog I'm gonna be posting projects I'm working on, videos, amusing pictures, and other random shenanigans that make me giggle.

As stated on my About page, Aqua Crush is a My Little Pony OC. To any bronies seeing this /) Brohoof. To those non bronies, just ignore any pony related posts, don't spam them with "Lawls, Gaaaay" and all that stuff. It's childish, annoying, and just plain rude. Aqua is a blank flank, simply because she doesn't have one major special talent, she is kinda the "Jack of all trades, master of none" type pony.

Well, Any questions are welcome, First real post should be up in a day or two. Love you all, and feel free to leave a comment so I know people are actually stopping by.